sabrina LOUISE

It started back in high school when I was given my grandfather’s old film camera.
In the darkroom, excitement washed over me as I held onto my first roll of film. I prepared the film for exposure, dropped the paper into the developer, and waited to see the invisible world I had photographed come to life. The scenic mountains and imperfect portraits slowly appeared through the chemicals. It was then that I felt the magic of freezing time in a photo. 

I wish I could finish that story by saying that I went to college for photography, started a business and have been doing what I love ever since. Buuuut, that is not what happened. I did go to college, majoring in Business which led me into the world of Corporate America. From the age of 25-35, my life is a bit of a blur (possibly a story for a blog post). I started my photography business in 2009 while working a full time job. Unfortunately with many moves back and forth across the country, it was really hard to set roots and build a thriving business. My day job at the time, Property Management, sucked the living life out of me, leaving photography for weekend gigs. Photography became my escape from reality, my side hustle & I loved it! I attended endless amounts of workshops, seminars, webinars, weekend retreats, submerging myself in everything photography! I had the opportunity to photograph in New York City, New Jersey, Atlanta, San Diego, Nashville, Colorado, the Las Vegas desert, while meeting so many like-minded creatives and the sweetest clients.

The last 5 years my photography business took a back seat because my life changed! I’ve discovered my passions starting to shift, creating other interests to blossom. I still LOVE photography, and will continue to book sessions (can we hyperlink this to the portraits page?) and share my work. But I wanted this new website to be more. In addition, I would like to blog whatever my heart desires. I am not sure what exactly that looks like right now, but you are welcome to join this journey with me!

 Based photographer



I live in Denver, CO with my husband and two french bulldogs, Guido and Baxter (my dream is to have a Frenchie Farm someday!) ! My perfect morning always begins with a homemade vanilla latte with a sprinkle of cinnamon. I love the opportunity to travel, especially to warm places with palm trees. My inspiration comes from reading books, cooking new recipes, practicing yoga in the park, & exploring magical places. My most recent obsession has been learning how to golf! I work for a short term property management company as the Operations Director and I really do love my job. Mixing real estate with the added bonus of generating an income is pretty awesome. Overall, my life has been an exciting roller coaster to say the least & I am beyond grateful. 






Clothes, Shoes, Jackets, Hats, Jewels… I do love fashion. Most of the time I live in yoga pants and have my hair in a messy bun. But, I do love to get dressed up and sparkle. I also love when my clients go above and beyond to coordinate their outfits for their shoot! I am always happy to help with this to and can send ideas your way! It is really amazing how even the littlest details can go a long way!  


Whether I am just photographing a beautiful scenic landscape or photographing clients, the location is key! There are so many options to enhance a photo session. The Colorado mountains or a cityscape make for some backdrops.


I can shoot anytime of day, but there is something really magical about golden hour. The light is softer and creates a backlit glow that is beautiful. I especially love fall during golden hour because the colorful leaves add so much beauty to the photos.


Sessions should be fun! I know how hard it is to get everything prepared for a session, but I like my sessions to be laid back & stress free. I love to make jokes and make people laugh…which makes for memorable and timeless images. 


session tips!